Ok, so we've done the roles thing, done the parenting thing, but here's where the rubber hits the road: how do we try, fail, and keep at it? What is essential, and what's not?
Read moreFiguring Out Equally Shared Parenting : Real men pre-soak cloth nappies
So now you know our big secret, that we kind of* subscribe to an Equally Shared Parenting method of life, work and family. Last time I talked about how we aren't so big on traditional gender roles (though I've recently taken on more cooking responsibilities, which has resulted in, shall we say, a minor existential crisis), but today I want to talk about how we parent the brilliant little people.
*I say "kind of" because we're still learning and growing and I'm not meaning this as a specific endorsement of ESP
Read moreFiguring Out Equally Shared Parenting : Gender roles, shmender roles
What we have is special.
That's how we, the husband and I, feel. From the day we got married, till last night "spooning at a distance" in bed, we know that what we have is special.
We are also kind of weird.
That's how we have felt as parents and coworkers in full-time ministry who, for the last 5 years, have been a stay-at-home, work-from-home, and work-out-of-the-home family, doing almost all of it together. Once we discovered a name for it - Equally Shared Parenting - we began to feel not so weird. And while we're still working out the kinks, I wanted to share a bit about what we do at home, why we do it, and how.
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