Our first big morning together was mad. Team members were in and out of our house, Asher received a swift hit to the head with a hurling stick, and I threw every single piece of fruit, meat and dairy on the table in hopes it would suffice jet-lagged bellies.
Read moreFool-proof tips to enjoying your child’s theatrical debut
1) Don’t freak out over costumes. Assemble it all from the women’s section of your local bargain-basement shop. Don’t fret over navy blue sweatpants as opposed to black sweatpants, and please – PLEASE – don’t make him cry when you find he’s got toothpaste on...
Read moreDo you feel good about your parenting? Well Steve Jobs from beyond the grave says you shouldn't.
My kid "enjoying" nature... not an iPad... currently watching Netflix, though... so...
Lemme get this straight: In 2010 a journalist asked Steve Jobs off the record (after a telephoned dressing-down) what his children thought of the iPad. Jobs responded: “They haven’t used it. We limit how much technology our kids use at home.” END OF QUOTE.
Read moreScreen-Free Sunday and other Parenting Shenanigans
We've been slightly neglectful parents in that we kind of let the wee lad have the rule of the roost. He's four now and even though the terrible twos are far behind us, he's the most belligerent, the most vocal, the most opinionated and the most adorable of the lot. So rather than wage a lengthy, logical tug-of-war with this cute little menace, we allow too much leeway in the area of Wii games and videos. And we have paid a hefty price.
Read moreOozing peace when Jesus calls
The eldest is preparing for a third appointment with the dentist in as many weeks. He's not actually had anything done yet, and though he's fairly happy-go-lucky about the "baby root canal" that's coming his way, the multiple delays and anticipation of the unknown have caused his sensitive heart a bit of anxiety. That's how he puts it: I'm a bit anxious, he says.
Of course he is. There's a doctor and a shot and a drill (though we haven't exactly divulged that last point to him) and there's plenty of things that can cause him to lay awake in bed at night and be just a bit anxious.
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