Try did not work for me. Come April or May of last year, I was done with my "One Word" resolution of trying.
My familiar mantra of "but I tried so hard" failed me in the end, and instead of trying, instead of saying yes and just seeing what happens, I sat. I waited. I relied on others. And I said no. A lot. My year of "I'll try" turned into my year of "no, thanks." It was my year of slowness, my year of "not by might or power." This, of course, was exactly what I needed it to be.
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This year was a doozy, and these last two months were the sugar rush on top of an already lopsided, over-decorated, gluten-to-the-max cake. I feel full in so many ways (most of which are good).
Before I get down to business, a big thank you. Thank you for following my wee blog to its new location, for the comments and the shares and the likes. Thank you for encouraging me and your kind words about our work or our kids. Thank you for still reading.
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There was no switch, no lightbulb. A waning shift in posture, imperceptible to the naked eye. We grow into it, don’t we? The nine months we wait, our hands cradling, rubbing the genie bottle of our womb. We make a wish a thousand times over.
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I read someone else's love letters this week. Two unbelievably adorable, intelligent people fell in love between the lines of their blog posts. They wrote about Big Things and God and Love in the Hard Places and Redemption and Philosophy, and all the while...
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