A part of our job here has always been to explore our little bit of the island we call home, engaging with culture, connecting with communities doing similar work, and listening and learning from those who know more than us.
Read moreWhen we are cloaked in shadows
I love the smokestacks in the port of Dublin. I've heard they're disused, unneeded, but the general population (or perhaps, the more traditional, sentimental of the population) fight against their potential destruction. I can see why they would fight it.
Read moreHow to Find Counseling Help
Photo by Jiří Wagner on Unsplash
It’s not the realizing you need a counselor that’s hard. Surprisingly, that’s the easy part, the part keeping you up in the night, the flashing red light in the back of your mind. You can’t ignore it when you know, when you finally reach an...
Read moreI am becoming (on Motherhood)
There was no switch, no lightbulb. A waning shift in posture, imperceptible to the naked eye. We grow into it, don’t we? The nine months we wait, our hands cradling, rubbing the genie bottle of our womb. We make a wish a thousand times over.
Read moreFive Friday Favourites
(I couldn't not include this photo. I mean, really.)
Here's five reads from the internet this week: 1) Sorta Crunchy's beautiful response to a misguided blogger on why depression for the Christian is no measure of your soul. 2) Rachel Pieh Jones' letter to her parents on never saying "don't go" when they moved across the world.
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