Ba-ba-da-bum! A What I'm Into post? For reals? It's true, everybody. My hiatus of using my brain to remember stuff is over (we can do hard things). I don't entirely recall why I haven't done a What I'm Into post since July of last year...
Read moreWhat I'm Into {July 2015 edition}
We're enjoying a full house as a of late, a dozen Wisconsin team members joining Matt for a week of serving, praying and kids-clubbing, and some KC friends joining me around the breakfast table every morning (above photo courtesy of one such guest)...
Read moreWhat I'm Into {May 2015}
Oh hey! Four posts in the last month and half of them are What I'm Into posts? You're welcome. I am nothing if not timely, consistent and diverse. This month's lack of blogging is brought to you by the entirely too fun course I'm taking at...
Read moreWhat I'm Into {April 2015 Edition}
People, I have to tell you: April in Dublin has been fantastic. Sure, we've had hail twice this week. But the sun has graced us with her presence every single day, last night's sunset amidst big thunderheads (alas, sans thunder) was gloriously midwest-like, and I've been hanging out laundry like a boss. I found it incredibly difficult to maintain a depressive post-rejection stance in the face of such beauty. Here's hoping May is as kind to us as April was. Now, for the good stuff...
Read moreWhat I'm Into {January 2015}
This January was another milestone for our family. After a couple years gone, we moved back to Ireland in early January 2013 and if a recent email to my sister provides any evidence, we're all pretty happy with how things are turning out. We've been Irish residents for four years now, Asher and Ella having spent more than half their lives here. We're planning a birthday party for next month, making plans for next year and settling into this rental house as it becomes ours more and more every day. Still, January is a hard, dark, cold month and even yesterday's freak, glorious snowfall has receded from view, the only hint being random remnants of melting snowmen.
So let's talk Books! TV! Music! And all the things I'm loving this month...
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