Ba-ba-da-bum! A What I'm Into post? For reals? It's true, everybody. My hiatus of using my brain to remember stuff is over (we can do hard things). I don't entirely recall why I haven't done a What I'm Into post since July of last year...
Read moreWhat I'm Into {July + a bit of June 2014}
I spent most of June in post-wedding/post-transatlantic-trip recovery. Thankfully July has provided some much needed white space and down time. Here's what I've been into this month:
I just finished reading Notes from a Blue Bike* by Tsh Oxendreider, an easy, pleasurable read about cutting out chaos and living with an intentional slowness. I found I related so much to the longings of the former, simple (though not always pleasant) way of European life when we repatriated back to the US. At times, I did find myself asking, "What isn't she perfect at?" But Tsh did well to write about more vulnerable moments...
Read moreWhat I'm Into, which isn't much {February 2014}
I honestly don't know what to say about February. There was very little reading, a LOT of netflix, and one significant social event. I'll play fast and loose with the details, but suffice it to say: I'm glad that's over! Bring on March!
Read moreStealing from friends : books to re-read
Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash